Nonviolent Communication

Feedback for Journey Towards NVC Certification

I am celebrating this feedback from Michael Lubega, Uganda, because it is confirming my understanding that families around the world have so much in common in how we raise children to be less than whole. And it is confirming that we are all capable of liberating ourselves from the [...]

By Kirsten Kristensen|2024-07-01T11:45:49+00:0029. June 2024|Artikler, Feedback|Comments Off on Feedback for Journey Towards NVC Certification

Ny rapport: IVK i Somalia

Indvirkningen af IVK i konfliktløsningscenter i Somalia Vores tysk kollega Irmtraud Kauschat har delt IVK med mandlige ældre og religiøse ledere og kvindelige ledere i en by kaldet Baidoa i Somalia. Denne rapport beskriver de transformerende indvirkninger af dette IVK-arbejde i forhold til empowerment, social forandring og genoprettende retfærdighed. Projektet [...]

By Melinda Knudsen|2021-10-27T11:14:19+00:0027. October 2021|Artikler, Nyheder|Comments Off on Ny rapport: IVK i Somalia

Nonviolent Communication – a Communication Tool to support the Adaptive Capacity of Organisations?

A summary of research by Bonnell, Li and van Lingen (2017) Download Complete Thesis summary Download Complete Thesis Summary in short: NVC and Communication in Organisations Nonviolent Communication (NVC) has the potential to have a positive effect on all communication dynamics tested. An emphasis on listening to others and expressing [...]

By Pia Skalshøi|2021-02-17T07:12:19+00:0030. July 2017|Artikler, Nyheder|Comments Off on Nonviolent Communication – a Communication Tool to support the Adaptive Capacity of Organisations?

Travel journal from International Intensive Training (IIT) Denmark 16-25 June 2017

Download as PDF - English version Download as PDF - Norwegian version After a very enriching mediation course with Carl Plesner in April, I had the idea that I really wanted to go “all in” with NVC. I was on a high and found it quite magical how NVC could make [...]

By Gæst|2017-07-30T09:05:57+00:009. July 2017|Artikler, Nyheder|Comments Off on Travel journal from International Intensive Training (IIT) Denmark 16-25 June 2017

Kelly Bryson: Personal Growth Through Honesty & NVC

Listen to Kelly Brysons own story about his woundedness and personal growth with Nonviolent Communication and honesty. Kelly believes in communities based on empathy and honesty. "We can grow so much faster if we can live in a community where we can get empathy and even more importantly honesty. No honesty, [...]

By Pia Skalshøi|2020-07-18T13:34:53+00:001. March 2016|Nyheder, Videoer|Comments Off on Kelly Bryson: Personal Growth Through Honesty & NVC

Nyhed! Kelly Bryson kommer til Danmark

Kelly Bryson - forfatter til best seller “Don’t be Nice, Be Real” og CNVC certificeret træner i Ikkevoldelig Kommunikation kommer til Danmark denne sommer. Kelly Bryson besøger Rosenlund Kurser, hvor han tilbyder kurset “Waking up in Love Together – How community provides personal growth”. På kurset vil Kelly Bryson arbejde med spørgsmål [...]

By Pia Skalshøi|2020-07-18T13:34:18+00:0021. February 2016|Nyheder|Comments Off on Nyhed! Kelly Bryson kommer til Danmark

Kelly Bryson: Creating your own inner experience thru Nonviolent Communication

CNVC-certificeret træner Kelly Bryson fortæller her om at tage ansvar for sin indre oplevelse og vælge hvordan man vil reagere. Description from youtube: The O'ahu NVC Community presents Kelly Bryson, a certified trainer in Nonviolent Communication (NVC) in an introductory video on NVC. Consider the amazing possibility of [...]

By Pia Skalshøi|2016-01-24T11:30:04+00:0024. January 2016|Videoer|Comments Off on Kelly Bryson: Creating your own inner experience thru Nonviolent Communication
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