You are welcome to join us as we practice Nonviolent Communication and create together a community based on cooperation, noncritical honesty and empathic presence.

Carl Plesner, mangeårigt medlem af LIVKOMs bestyrelse er med på træner holdet


We wish to pass along to you both what we have learned from Marshall Rosenberg, as well as our own experiences in living the process of Nonviolent Communication. Though practicing NVC does not always prevent conflicts, we agree that it does give us tools to keep growing bonds of connection and cooperation even when conflicts are present. This IIT may even offer a real life experience of that, as we intend to embody how to resolve conflicts by showing how we resolve our own differences (thereby sharing our learning on as many levels as possible).


The contents – how we show up in this IIT. Building, restoring and cultivating loving and supportive relationships is both an art and craft that we invite you to come and explore and learn together with us for nine days. Be your own best supporter and sign up to become an explorer and practitioner of nonviolent relationships; become a peacemaker both in your own life and with others around you.

The container –
how nature awareness will be called into this IIT.  Embedded in nature, the venue invites us to develop our “natural” relationship with ourselves, other humans as well as the more-than-human beings surrounding (and supporting) us. The organizers of this event are orienting toward the goal of “zero waste” as well as facilitating a balance between quality of life and a reduced ecological footprint. Creating, implementing and maintaining as-ecological-as-possible systems will be part of the work and play that we do while we are together…

9-day residential retreat in Nonviolent Communication

We want to offer you the NVC theory you need to bring your practice to life!

We will offer the IIT standard learning structure: community time in the morning and evening, and sessions led by the IIT Certified Trainers team who share both the core curriculum of IIT as developed by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, as well as their own unique applications. CNVC Certified Trainers who attend either as participants or in a supporting trainer role will also have the opportunity to offer sessions and support for the group. In the mornings and evenings, spaces are offered for self-organized sessions of all kinds, including for movement and fun. We invite you to reflect on your goals before you arrive as well as to make conscious choices while you are present as strategies to manage the intensity of this training. We expect a group of approximately 70-80 participants (in addition to the trainers and organizers below) from different countries, cultural backgrounds, professions and walks of life.


This IIT is open for those who do not speak English well enough to express their feelings and needs. Therefore, we will offer translation during community meetings and at least one workshop per session into Ukrainian, Hungarian and English (consecutively). 🎉 We are looking  for volunteer translators, who have significant experience in NVC and whose English is also level to the task. We promise that each day, at least one session will be translated, and trust the universe that whenever a translator is needed someone will be there.



Detaljer om arrangement
Dato(er) 18. July 2025 til 27. July 2025
Type Kurser
Kontaktperson Kirsten Kristensen