Er vi virkelig mere sikre når vi sætter folk der skader andre i fængsel og glemmer dem?
Kathleen Macferran beskriver hvordan fængsler kan forvandles til “houses of healing” hvor der skabes kontakt mellem mennesker som fører til større sikkerhed i vores samfund. Læs hele beskrivelsen under filmen.
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Beskrivelse fra YouTube:
Are we really safer when we put those who harm others behind bars and forget about them? Explore turning our prisons into houses of healing and creating connections that lead to greater safety for our communities.
Kathleen holds a vision for a peaceful, just and sustainable world. She works as a certified trainer and assessor for the Center for Nonviolent Communication and offers communication, conflict resolution and restorative justice system exploration to organizations and individuals. She is a lead trainer for the Freedom Project, an organization that strengthens community safety by supporting the transformation of prisoners into peacemakers. Kathleen is on the faculty of Seattle Central Community College. In addition, she has spent two decades as a music conductor and seven years as a public school teacher.