Dokumentarfilm: In the Eyes of the Good (originaltitel: Raamro Aakha Ma)
Dokumentarfilm om initiativet “Healing and Reconciliation with NVC” i Nepal i december 2014, hvor LIVKOMs formand Kirsten Kristensen var med som en af fire IVK-trænere. Filmen viser et forløb, hvor ofre, tidligere soldater/oprørere og repræsentanter fra Nepals regering modtager træning i Ikkevoldelig Kommunikation og genoprettende dialog. Projektet er organiseret af Jeannine Suurmond og organisationen Pro Public. I en åbningstale fortæller Jeannine om baggrunden for initiativet og hvordan Ikkevoldelig Kommunikation skal hjælpe Nepal (pdf).
Introduktion til filmen:
“This documentary tells the story of former Maoist combatants, conflict victims, and government officials engaging in a restorative dialogue, following the aftermath of the 10-years armed conflict in Nepal. It shows what can happen when people are able to connect with one another across divides, beyond fear, stereotypes, and enemy images. The Nonviolent Communication training including the restorative dialogue, was organized by ZFD peace-building advisor Jeannine Suurmond, together with partner organization Pro Public. The goal was to offer those involved with the transitional justice process in Nepal an opportunity to experience a restorative dialogue first hand. The documentary was produced in order to support the various parties to the formal Truth and Reconciliation process in Nepal and to raise awareness about Nonviolent Communication and restorative dialogue as tools for healing, reconciliation, and justice.”
Feedback to this film from Shari Elle, Australia, December 2015:
“Thank you so much for supporting the creation of this amazing film AND to the whole team for the work you did in Nepal. For those of you who have not seen it, it is an incredible capturing of the power of this work we all do in a situation which could not be more horrendous. I intend sharing it with all my NVC networks and gathering to share it in community evenings. I was deeply moved so many times, both in the sorrow and hope of what this film offered. Truly it gives me hope that we can create peace in our world in my lifetime. Thank you to everyone involved in it.”