Dansk, and English below
Medlemsrabat og rabat for tidligere deltagere
Du støtter vores planlægning ved at tilmelde dig hurtigt.
- Som medlem af LIVKOM får du rabat når du tilmelder dig og betaler senest to måneder før kursusstart, rabatten fremgår af de enkelte kursusbeskrivelser.
- Tidligere deltagere som ønsker at gentage et kursus får 50% rabat på undervisningsgebyret. Kan kombineres med early bird rabatten.
Vi giver rabat til tidligere deltagere, fordi vi støtter træning og forankring.
Sidste frist for tilmelding er som hovedregel 1 måned før kursus-start. Hvis tidsfristen er overskredet kan du alligevel kontakte LIVKOMs kasserer Kirsten Kristensen og høre om der er plads: kirsten@livets-sprog.dk, mobil 40 35 09 55
De fleste af vores kurser administreres af SPORTI.dk, hvor der betales med kreditkort og kvittering udstedes med det samme.
For de kurser som vi selv administrer gælder at, når du har tilmeldt dig et kursus vil du indenfor 1-2 uger modtage faktura sendt til den email-adresse, som du har oplyst. Fakturaen indeholder betalingsoplysninger.
Når depositum på kr. 1.000,- kr. eller hele kursusgebyret er indbetalt, er du optaget på kurset. Senest 1 måned før kursusstart indbetales evt. restbeløb.
- Hvis du melder fra kurset senest 2 måneder før kursusstart, tilbagebetales hele det indbetalte beløb.
- Hvis du melder fra kurset senest 1 måned før kursusstart, tilbagebetales det indbetalte beløb fratrukket 1.000 kr.
- Hvis du melder fra kurset mindre end 1 måned før kursusstart, tilbagebetales kursusgebyret normalt kun, hvis du finder en anden betalende deltager, eller hvis kurset har venteliste og vi finder en anden betalende deltager. Hvis vi ikke tilbagebetaler kursusgebyret, vil du blive tilbudt at deltage i et andet kursus af tilsvarende varighed.
- Hvis vi aflyser kurset, tilbagebetales hele det indbetalte beløb.
Yderligere information: LIVKOM, kirsten@livets-sprog.dk, mobil 40 35 09 55
Discount for members of LIVKOM and to participants who repeat the course.
You support our planning by registering early.
- As a member of LIVKOM, you get a discount when you register and pay no later than two months before the start of the course, the discount appears in the individual course descriptions.
- Previous participants who wish to repeat a course receive a 50% discount on the tuition fee. Can be combined with early bird discounts.
We give a discount to previous participants because we support training and integration.
The deadline for registration is in general 1 month before the start of the course. If the deadline has passed, you can still contact LIVKOM’s treasurer Kirsten Kristensen and ask if there is space: kirsten@livets-sprog.dk, mobile +45 40 35 09 55
Most of our courses are administered by SPORTI.dk, where payment is made by credit card and a receipt is issued immediately.
For the courses that we administer ourselves, once you have registered for a course you will receive an invoice sent to the email address you have provided within 1-2 weeks. The invoice contains payment information.
When the deposit of DKK 1,000 or the entire course fee has been paid, you are admitted to the course. Any residual amount is to be paid no later than 1 month before the start of the course.
- If you withdraw from the course no later than 2 months before the start of the course, the entire amount paid will be refunded.
- If you withdraw from the course no later than 1 month before the start of the course, the amount paid minus DKK 1,000 will be refunded.
- If you cancel the course less than 1 month before the start of the course, the course fee is usually only refunded if you find another paying participant, or if the course has a waiting list and we find another paying participant. If we do not refund the course fee, you will be offered another course of equivalent duration.
- If we cancel the course, the entire amount paid will be refunded.
Further information: LIVKOM, kirsten@livets-sprog.dk, mobile +45 40 35 09 55