Details about IIT in Nonviolent Communication (NVC) – Giraffe language

Martinus Center reception

During these 9 days we have an open evening on Thursday 22. June:
Giraffe Around the World

Discover skills that will help you improve the quality of your relationships, deepen your inner peace, and increase your contribution in the world.

Join us to be part of a compassionate community learning together how to speak from the heart; practice deep, nonjudgmental listening; and build self empowerment from the inside out.

This event is a 9-day residential training designed as an “immersion experience” in Nonviolent Communication (NVC) led by a team of experienced CNVC certified trainers.

Martinus cottageThe purpose is to offer you the opportunity to live the process of NVC in community ov
er an extended period of time, in order to develop the mindsets and practical tools to help you in three areas:

1. Personal and Professional Relationships

  • Increase connection and closeness with the people you love.
  • Speak in a way that inspires compassion and understanding.
  • Initiate difficult conversations with more ease and confidence.Martinus delicius food
  • Remain centered and peaceful when receiving difficult messages.
  • Express and receive anger fully, safely and respectfully… yet powerfully.
  • Resolve long-standing conflicts and heal painful relationships.
  • Parent children from the heart and move beyond power struggles into cooperation.
  • Translate criticism, judgments and blame into life-serving messages.

2.  Inner TransformationMartinus Sea view

  • Shift patterns of thinking that lead to depression, guilt and shame and perpetuate pain
  • Transform anger into self-understanding, thereby increasing inner peace.
  • Enliven yourself by expressing and receiving gratitude.
  • Learn to embody unconditional love.

3.  Contribution and Social Change

  • Teach others a way to increase inner peace, liberate themselves and strengthen relationships.
  • Share NVC in ways that transmit and model it’s power to transform and in
    spire others.Martinus single-double
  • Create educational systems where students love learning and teachers love teaching.
  • Learn to engage in effective, lasting nonviolent social change in the tradition of Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

We intend to prioritize these three areas within the IIT curriculum and there is also room for co-creation. There will be opportunities for you to make requests for specific topics that you imagine will support you in applying NVC in these areas of your life.

Martinus deluxe roomSeminar Language: English.
This retreat will be offered in English and is designed for people who have at least a basic ability to speak and understand English. We will not provide full translation into Danish or any oher language, however we will offer several alternative options including:

  1. Participants of Denmark who are not fully comfortable expressing themselves in English can speak Danish in the full group and be translated into English

  2. Martinus saladIn many sessions, there will be an opportunity for practice in small gr
    oups. You can choose to be with others who speak the same native language and may conduct their small group in the language of their choice

  3. If a trainer speaks a word or phrase that you don’t understand, you can request a spontaneous and brief translation of that word or phrase.

See more:

Trainers:  Kirsten Kristensen, Gina Lawrie, Jeff Brown and Kathleen Mcferran.
Each trainer shares their special area of interest and application of NVC.
Hver deler af deres speciale indenfor kunsten at lære, leve og formidle IVK

Time/Tid:  16. juni til 25. juni 2017.

Martinus cabinPlace/Sted: Martinus Center Klint, Klintvej 69, 4500 Nykøbing Sjælland, Danmark

Prices/Pris: Find priserne her


Participants will be an international group with cross cultural topics.
Deltagerne vil være en international gruppe med tværkulturelle teamer.

This training is a request of those who wants to become CNVC certified trainers, and it is highly recommended to anyone who wish to share NVC, whether you want to be certified or not.
Denne træning kan være et skridt på vejen mod at blive CNVC certificeret træner, og kan varmt anbefales til enhver som ønsker at videregive IVK, hvad enten du ønsker at bliver certificeret eller ej.

Here you find book about NVC a Language of Life

Her kan du finde bøger om Girafsprog / Ikkevoldelig Kommunikation (IVK)

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Detaljer om arrangement
Dato(er) 16. June 2017 til 25. June 2017
Type Kurser
Sted Martinus Center Klint
Kontaktperson Kirsten Kristensen